Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This last week has been quite astounding to say the least, I'm sitting in school right now, reminiscing about the night i had last night. Dave and I went over to his sisters house and watched a couple of movies with her, it was a lot of fun. But by the time we got back to my place so he could get his car, he was way to tired to drive, so he stayed over... now i know what your thinking, and no i didn't do anything... risky. we didnt have sex or anything. but he asked me out, formally, to be his boyfriend.... woot. so yeah last night was good.


B said...

That's great buddy!

Mara said...

Woot!! did you just say Woot!!...

whooooo doin the bootay dance. I'm so happy for you.

I hope you're bringing him on Saturday!! Or are we going Friday. I'm hoping to be over pneumonia by then.
